How is Katia? (Ukrainian Cinema Days NRW)

  • UKR, 2022
  • 101 Min
  • Regie: Christina Tynkevych
  • Originalfassung mit deutschen Untertiteln (OmU)


  • So., 11. Juni 2023 – So., 11. Juni 2023 um 12:30 Uhr

Darsteller*innen: Anastasiya Karpenko, Kateryna Kozlova, Iryna Verenych-Ostrovska…

How is Katia?

Eine Mutter verliert nach dem Unfalltod ihres Kindes den Halt und versinkt in einem Morast aus Trauer, Wut und Enttäuschung.

Ukrainian Cinema Days:

With this project we want to show that culture is very important in times of war. Ukrainian cinema is successful not only at major international film festivals, but also has a great genre films for a wide audience. Our aim isnot only to explore the theme of war in cinema, but also to bring people closer to Ukrainian culture, history and traditions by showing what Ukrainian cinematographs produce.
As part of the program of the Ukrainian Cinema Days in NRW, we will also be organizing Q&A sessions and panel discussions in person or online after the screenings and around the screenings to promote and deepen audience engagement. We would highly appreciate any support in the organisation of film locations for the realisation of the
project in North Rhine Westphalia.

Organized by Blau
Gelbes Kreuz e.V. and
supported by the Consulate General of Ukraine in Dusseldorf